Tracey Boon
Tracey is a Cum Laude graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. She is originally from Saint Louis, Missouri and started dancing at the age of nine when her family moved to Huntsville, Alabama. She trained at North Alabama Dance Center in the disciplines of classical ballet, pointe,
tap, jazz, and lyrical/modern. Tracey also danced and performed as a Senior Company Member of the pre-professional ballet company Pointe Station, Inc. During college, Tracey continued to pursue her career as a dancer and teacher. After receiving her certification as a dance instructor, she worked for several of Birmingham’s notable dance studios and began making her mark as a choreographer working with Birmingham schools and theatre companies to include Birmingham’s historic Virginia Samford Theatre. Upon graduation, she moved back home to Huntsville to teach and choreograph for several of North Alabama’s finest dance schools where her choreography consistently won top awards. Tracey is now the Owner and Director of Progressive Academy of Dance, a dance school in the North Alabama area. She also travels as a dance teacher, choreographer, and judge inspiring young people to pursue their passions through dance.